Tourane Yoga

Tourane Yoga


Tourane Yoga offers in-person yoga classes in the region of Bruges, Belgium and online classes worldwide. Classes are taught in English and Vietnamese


The plan is no plan. The plan is being present & be ready for any change along the way. My time in Vietnam 🇻🇳 is going to the end soon, and I'm so sad. I'm not sure when I will be back for teaching again. Perhaps there will be a retreat next year, around April- May, for a small group of dedicated practitioners ? Who would love to join me ?


It has been a very busy time for me here in Abudhabi. I'm greatful to be able to spread the beauty of yoga with many people here.
For now, my schedule is completely full. I can't take more private classes online or in-person.

If you are living in , pls come practice with me at &skinwellness Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas , Sadiyaat. I would love to have you. 🤗

Link to check out schedule & book here :

Photos from Tourane Yoga's post 13/04/2023

Hosting my 2nd yoga retreat with these talented ladies at this beautiful 🏜 resort the full weekend of 28 to 30th April.
It's already fully booked but we are taking waiting list to organise the next one. Perhaps 2-3 weeks after.
Hope to see you & have a wonderful weekend of detoxing, yoga & experience different wellness together ❤️


When was the last time you have a good stretch ?
When was the last time you fill your lunge with fresh air ?
Take a good care of your body, mind & soul... they are in need of a break !

Photos from Tourane Yoga's post 14/03/2023

Last year I had spent a good 2 months in , India 🇮🇳 to learn & dive myself into a wonderful yoga practice - under the guidance of Sharathji. It was the 2 months when I could pour all my heart & soul in the mat without any doubt because I know I was in good hands.
And now, I'm on my way to spread the beauty I have learned from its root with you . Come & join me to practice this traditional Yoga at 2 times a week:
- Wednesday 8.30pm
- Saturday 10am
I keep it traditional & accessible at the same time. I will guide you into a practice with Sankrit is its soul & every move is together with a deep breath. The more we move in a counting Sankrit rhythm, the more we learn yoga is meditation, meditation is 🧘‍♂️ 🕉.


Hello Monday,

Let's add a little 🔥 to our vinyasa !
I'm so proud of my student, who is 1 and a half years getting on the mat weekly. We do online classes most of the time & we love it ❤.

Just practice, no expectation 🤗🙏. Unroll your mat, magic will come!


Hello Monday,
Yoga is simply a tool to help us feel good in our own body & mind. Then our souls will follow.
When was the last time you practice yoga ? Was it the same as I just described?

My schedule is all open again for online classes.

Private online class now is 45 Eu/ 1 hour class & a package of 10 classes is 400 Eu, valid for 3 months. Give yourself a gift if it is something you have been waiting for!

Check it out & see you soon on the mats!


Anyone can practice. Young man can practice. Old man can practice. Very old man can practice. Man who is sick he can practice. Man who doesn't have strength can practice. Except lazy people. Lazy people can't practice"
- K. Pattabhi Jois

Thanks everyone for showing up & practising together this season in Vietnam 🇻🇳. I can't wait to be back & flow with you all again.

From next week, all my online classes will be open again. See you soon on Zoom 🤗!
If you want to practise with me, check out my website.

See you in the mats !


Wonderful teaching time in my hometown 🇻🇳.
Thank you all for letting me be your guide in this beautiful path.
I'm hosting 2 more workshops this weekend & few more classes til 15th Feb. Come join me if you are around !


Do you do this stretch often? It is very simple, just bring your elbow to the other side & then bend to that side slightly. However it makes our bodies feel so rejuvenated.

Yoga can be complicated, can be this simple. Enjoy your practice. Enjoy the moment you roll out your mat. Enjoy the privilege you have given to yourself. We need it & we love it ❤️.

I'm teaching in Danang, 🇻🇳 until 15th Feb. Come join my Vinyasa or Ashtanga classes if you here.

After that, 15th Feb to June : Abudhabi 🇦🇪.


Yoga is a lifestyle.
Yoga connects our body & mind in a way we never expected.
Yoga changes our body -> mind -> life.
Thanks for letting me guiding you to this beautiful path.


I love to smile in my practice & yoga photos.

My Guru Sharathji in India has also added in his conference last season while i was there that: don't forget to have fun with your practice too !
That's when I started to smile in my practice & yoga photos. And trust me, it feels so good to smile when you earn a new asana (yoga pose) or fail to do an asana or just smile to thank yourself that you have spent time to do yoga in your savasana.

Have a great weekend & don't forget to stretch even just a good 10-15'. Your body & mind will thank you so much for that. Check out my YouTube channel for these quick yoga practice.

See you all next week again, with more poses, more fun, more smiles on the mats ! 🤸🧘‍♀️


2023 is here with us. What are your new year's resolutions?

For me, it is spreading the beauty of yoga to more people by starting more online & offline classes. Come join me for practising yoga together if it is one of your goals of this year too.

Happy New Year, New Me & New You ✨️ ♥️!

The best talk/ explaination of Ashtanga opening mantra from Mysore, India 29/12/2022

Have you ever wondered the deep meaning of Ashtanga Yoga opening mantra ?

It is my pleasure to be able to share with you this beautiful talk/ class about Ashtang Yoga Opening Mantra by ?
He explains the talk so beautiful and informative, right in Mysore, India.

Thank you Arvind and everyone who were there, supported me to share this amazing knowlegde to the world !

The best talk/ explaination of Ashtanga opening mantra from Mysore, India This is the best Yoga philosophy class I ever had. Please watch and enjoy it !OmVande Gurunam CharanaravindeSandarsh*ta Svatma Sukava BodheNih Sreyase Jangal...

15 minutes morning yoga & meditation /For beginners/ No equipments/ Yoga at your home 26/12/2022

Happy holidays season... & don't forget to keep stretching 🤗
Join me a quick 15 minute yoga & meditation flow here !

15 minutes morning yoga & meditation /For beginners/ No equipments/ Yoga at your home I have this practise in a sunny morning with fresh energy and lots stretch. Roll out your mat and let's share this beautiful sunshine with me! Morning yoga, ...


Merry Christmas everyone 🤶 🎄 ❤️ !


Bye Mysore, 🇮🇳. You are my sunshine 🌞... Til the next season !
Time to be back & hold space for my classes again 🤗❤

Quick guide how to do the splits for beginners 18/12/2022

The splits... my quick video to show you how to practice this pose as a beginner. And if you are already on the way and have a few centimeters left complete your split, here is def the video for you too.
I was stuck in that little gap for a year long and I wish I have known this technique back then.
Check it out and good luck 👍 ✨️

Quick guide how to do the splits for beginners The splits is absolutely a very challenging pose. Keep practising, it will come. Thank you for watching and good luck. Emmy ...


If you wish to try yoga (again), start as a beginner, join me this new Online yoga course, from Feb 2023. Reach me out for more information. I would love to see you on the mat, from anywhere in the world.

Experience the Mysore magic - Vlog 7- Sri Chamundeshwari temple/ Chamundi Hills, try the best momos 11/12/2022

What is the biggest lesson that you have learnt from yoga?
To me, it is staying with my commitments and making vlog weekly while I'm in 🇮🇳 is one of them.
Staying with ours commitments is not easy. Sometimes it comes with lots of struggles & efforts as we have to make priorities for it. How about you ?

Experience the Mysore magic - Vlog 7- Sri Chamundeshwari temple/ Chamundi Hills, try the best momos Hi, This is my 7th week in Mysore and I came to visit Sri Chamundeshwari temple in Chamundi Hills. It is such a beautiful, sacred temple. We also went to the...


In Mysore, I learn about yoga, practice yoga, meditate, meet like-minded people, visit Mysore beautiful places, try Mysore cuisine, make friend with Mysorians ...& do vlogging.
This experience is so unique, so amazing. I'm glad that I started a Youtube channel for it.
Follow me to feel the here:

Experience the Mysore magic/ Mysore Palace/ study yoga sutras/ Mysore food/ rickshaw life 27/11/2022

India, the home of yoga & many others amazing things.
My 4th week has passed and til this moment, the journey can't be any better 🙌. Vlog is ready to share with you ❤️

Experience the Mysore magic/ Mysore Palace/ study yoga sutras/ Mysore food/ rickshaw life Hi, I am Emmy and in Mysore in the period of Nov and Dec 2022 for a yoga training under the guuidance of Sharath Jois Guru. I vlog my experience weekly. Than...

Quick guide how to do the splits for beginners 23/11/2022

The splits is so 🔥. It is the pose where flexibility & strength have to compensate each other. If you are super strong, try to be a bit softer, if you are very flexible, a little more strength would help. Find your peace in pain, find the comfort in the un-comfort is one of the big lesson from this asana.
Check out my quick guide before your next practice. Good luck 👍 💓

Quick guide how to do the splits for beginners The splits is absolutely a very challenging pose. Keep practising, it will come. Thank you for watching and good luck. Emmy ...


Deeping myself in the beauty of Mother India & yoga is such a blessing. 3 weeks has passed, 5 weeks more to go & many more to learn out & on the mat.
Check out my newest vlog here:

How to do tripod headstand for beginners/ quick tips and techniques 14/11/2022

Welcome to my "The asana's recipe". Today I am sending you a quick video for tutorial & tips from India :)
Have fun!

How to do tripod headstand for beginners/ quick tips and techniques If you are a beginner and want to practice tripod headstand, this quick video tutorial is for you. Keep practising and good luck ! ...

How to jump from cow pose (bakasana) to chaturanga 09/11/2022

Try this transition if you are already "a crow "!
I film this video at my rooftop terrace in Mysore with many coconut trees in my background. It is just so beautiful. Check it out!

How to jump from cow pose (bakasana) to chaturanga This is a quick guide for the transition from to . Leave me a comment if you find it helpful. #...

Experience Mysore magic Vlog1/pack, fly to Bangalore, drive to Mysore, visit Sharath yoga center 01/11/2022

Greetings from Mysore, India !
I have arrived for couples days here. This is probably once upon a lifetime experience to me. I'm happy to sharing with you this special time through youtube.
Vlog 1 is ready 🤗

Experience Mysore magic Vlog1/pack, fly to Bangalore, drive to Mysore, visit Sharath yoga center Hi, This is my very 1st trip to Mysore after many dreams about Mysore Magic. Here I am vlogging about the trip. Live the experience with me !

15 minutes morning yoga & meditation 23/10/2022

Wondering what to do first on a Sunday? Here is my suggestion...Roll out your mat, take one breath at a time & the stretching will make you feel so good ❤️.

15 minutes morning yoga & meditation I have this practise in a sunny morning with fresh energy and lots stretch. Roll out your mat and let's share this beautiful sunshine with me! Morning yoga, ...

Videos (show all)

Hello Monday, Let's add a little 🔥 to our vinyasa ! I'm so proud of my student, who is 1 and a half years getting on the...
Anyone can practice. Young man can practice.  Old man can practice. Very old man can practice. Man who is sick he can pr...
Happy Lunar New Year 2023!  #yogaabudhabi #yogauae #yogateacher #yogatraining #ashtanga #vinyasaflow #hatha !
Keep practicing!


Brugge, Vlaanderen