Mario Mendanha - Plastic Surgery
Médico especialista em Cirurgia Plástica, Reconstrutiva e Estética
Médico especialista em Cirurgia Plástica, Reconstrutiva e Estética
• Licenciatura em Medicina concluída em 2003 na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Portugal, distinguido com prémio Eng. António de Almeida, com a classificação mais elevada.
• Monitor e Assistente Convidado no Departamento de Bioquímica da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto de 2003 a 2009
• Internato Co

The MBN meeting is recognized in Europe as a premier conference focusing on the latest techniques and topics in breast surgery. This year, took on the role of president for this esteemed event. It was truly an honor to participate in this distinguished faculty, which brought together some of the world’s foremost breast surgeons in Milan, Italy.

Speaking at the AMBER meeting in Rome was a delightful experience. Apart from having the chance to share again my knowledge on Liposculpture and Body Contouring surgery with some of the most talented surgeons in the world, I have taken some days to explore Rome with my family. Taking close look at some of the most important masterpieces of sculpture and painting in history is key to understanding the aesthetic ideals that are the backbone of my surgical results. I have to thank to Caravaggio, Bernini, Michelangelo, Leonardo and the unknown Greek and Roman sculptors. Those were the true Masters that have influenced me and inspired me to achieve the results that I am known and appreciated for. I try every day to live up to this artistic heritage and to excel in the treatment of my patients.
Falar na reunião AMBER em Roma foi uma experiência encantadora. Para além de ter a oportunidade de partilhar novamente o meu conhecimento sobre Lipoescultura e cirurgia de Contorno Corporal com alguns dos cirurgiões mais talentosos do mundo, tive a possibilidade de explorar Roma com a minha família durante alguns dias. Observar de perto algumas das mais importantes obras-primas de escultura e pintura da história é fundamental para compreender os ideais estéticos que sustentam os resultados cirúrgicos que alcanço. Sou grato a Caravaggio, Bernini, Michelangelo, Leonardo e aos desconhecidos escultores gregos e romanos. Estes foram os verdadeiros Mestres que me influenciaram e inspiraram a alcançar os resultados pelos quais sou conhecido e valorizado. Esforço-me diariamente para honrar este legado artístico no tratamento dos meus pacientes.

This masterful sculpture, crafted over 2000 years ago, conveys a remarkable sense of movement and emotion that remains utterly striking to this day.

Seeing our work as a form of Art
1 year Post Op - Augmentation Mastopexy and Lipoabdominoplasty
1 ano Pós Operatório de Mastopexia com Implante e Abdominoplastia

I am honored to have been cited in this insightful article discussing strategies for communicating with patients undergoing aesthetic plastic surgery procedures.
Congratulations to the authors
Estou honrado por ter sido citado neste importante artigo que discute estratégias de comunicação com pacientes submetidos a procedimentos de cirurgia plástica.

TDABS Meeting - The world stage for Body Contouring surgery
Cartagena provided the backdrop for a premier gathering featuring some of the world’s leading surgeons, focusing on every aspect of modern liposculpture, body contouring, and both breast and facial surgery.
My lectures focused on how to achieve the most natural results with the highest safety standards and also about the importance of a detailed liposculpture of the arms as key to a successful result.

🇬🇧1 year post op of Augmentation Mastopexy with implant and fat grafting, combined with Lipoabdominoplasty with RAFT technique and Functional Liposculpture.
Our mission as physicians is to accurately diagnose our patients and devise a treatment plan that achieves the best possible outcomes. This entails a thorough understanding of the patient’s proportions and a commitment to restoring normal anatomical structure.
🇵🇹 1 ano pós-operatório de Mamoplastia de Aumento com implante e enxerto de gordura, combinado com Lipoabdominoplastia utilizando a técnica RAFT e Lipoescultura Funcional.
Como médicos, o nosso dever é estabelecer um diagnóstico e propor um plano de tratamento aos nossos pacientes, de forma a obter os melhores resultados possíveis. Isso envolve uma compreensão profunda das proporções do paciente de forma a obter um resultado que devolva a anatomia normal e um resultado dinâmico natural.

CATBBAS VII - once again, Professor Moustapha Hamdi organised a super elegant meeting with live surgeries, deep scientific discussions with some of the best surgeons in the world, fine cuisine and lovely social gatherings. I had the pleasure on lecturing on the importance of Art in Plastic Surgery and the pursuit of natural results in Modern Liposculpture.

The 6th SOMCEP meeting in Marrakesh was, quite simply, outstanding. I was honored to be given one hour to teach my principles in Body Contouring Surgery and to present the evolution of my techniques alongside some of the world’s most renowned surgeons in this field. I would like to extend my gratitude to the organizing committee and a special thanks to my dear friend

🇪🇺Bienial Meeting of the European Society of Plastic Surgery 🇸🇪
It has been an immense honor to serve as the president of the scientific committee of ESAPS since 2022. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the committee members for their dedicated efforts in organizing this meeting, as well as to the faculty members for their invaluable contributions. This meeting has showcased the highest standards of scientific excellence and demonstrated that European surgeons are at the forefront of advancing numerous fields in Plastic Surgery.

Última vaga disponível
Cirurgia dia 2 de Agosto - LipoHD em contexto de curso com Dr Alfredo Hoyos é Dr Mário Mendanha

🇬🇧 Composite Breast Augmentation with use of D/G Polyurethane implants and fat grafting + Liposculpture of abdomen with UGRAFT
🇵🇹 Mamoplastia de Aumento Híbrida com implantes D/G de poliuretano e enxerto de gordura + Lipoescultura do abdómen com técnica UGRAFT

Post op of Vitruvian Body Sculpture®

🇬🇧 1 year post op of Vitruvian Body Sculpture®
A complex surgery, combining multiple techniques and technologies, tailored for each individual patient and with improved safety and recovery
🇵🇹 1 ano de pós operatório de Vitruvian Body Sculpture®
A VBS é uma cirurgia complexa, combinando técnicas e tecnologias diversas, adaptadas individualmente a cada paciente, com um perfil de segurança e recuperação de pós operatório optimizados
europe By Alfredo Hoyosser_acadeTOTALDEFINER By Alfredo Hoyos@Vaser Academy Renuvion®eClarius Mobile Health

12 anos de amor incondicional
Parabéns filho! ❤️
Another edition of the European Total Definer course. It is an absolute privilege to be the European Ambassador of School Total Definer for Europe. This year, on a sold out edition, 8 plastic surgeons from all over the world will come to Porto to learn what has become the modern revolution in Plastic Surgery.

Happy to have been present at the Vaser Experts Meeting in Bari, Italy, lecturing on the use of Vaser in patients treated with and in patients undergoing Liposculpture procedures.

I am very thankful for the invitation to lecture on the Meeting of the Association of Alumni of Professor Ivo Pitanguy in Rome, and deeply honoured to have received a beautiful present by the hands of the president of AEXPI, Dr Eduardo Lintz, for my contribution.
Professor Pitanguy was a leading figure in my training as Plastic Surgeon and he was an inspiration to many of his students that testimony his influence all over the world. He was a model of perseverance and scientific thought, an example of the humanitarian spirit, always eager to help his patients, a talented writer and an uncommonly cultured man.
Rome was the perfect setting for this meeting, where beauty is found in every corner and the sun seems to paint everything in gold.
Congratulations to the extraordinary organisation and to to keep the light of the Professor shining still.
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