Equi-Ness Equine Massage
Equi-Ness Equine Massage is dedicated to providing certified, high-quality, and personalized massage

A recent horse massage day❤️
We didn’t get a picture of Romeo during his session but River, Jonie & Ruby are shown & all very much enjoyed their massages!!

The Hyoid bone in a horse:
📌Is a fragile cradle of bones that attaches to tongue. It also attaches to the atlas, poll & TMJ
📌Once tension is created in these areas, the horse can develop compensatory patterns in their back, ribs & hind limbs
📌Every muscle in the horse’s body eventually connects to the Hyoid!
📌Some signs of restrictions around the Hyoid can include holding their head to one side when ridden, unable to pick up correct canter lead, holding their head sideways when chewing, head shaking, struggling to soften onto bit, preferring one rein to the other, teeth grinding & opening their mouth when ridden
The Hyoid Release technique is a manual technique that is performed to release tension.
Photo 1: Guinness loves this technique & always has major releases from it💜 She was head shaking frequently but this has now resolved.
Photo 2: Illustration of where hyoid bone is located.

I enjoyed a weekend in the Black Hills attending a Masterson Method workshop & learning these techniques! It is amazing how horses respond to this method & how effective it is. With the Masterson Method of massage you work “with” the horse instead of “on” the horse. Horses absolutely LOVE this method! ❤️

The photo on the left is not a typical “action” shot that I typically post of an equine massage session but just a candid shot my daughter took tonight with a client’s horse named “Buletta”. I didn’t realize she took it until later when I was reviewing photos from this session. I love it because it perfectly captures my love for horses & the essence of why I love doing this🩷
I’ve massaged Buletta numerous times over the past 2 years & she reminds me so much of my horse “Guinness” that it’s uncanny. Thanks Emily for having me out this evening & always entrusting me to help Buletta feel her very best!
The photo on the right is a business card of Guinness & I 💜

When you hit the “just the right spot” and all that tension is released! ❤️ These photos capture the transition perfectly!

I had the pleasure of doing a massage today on a firecracker of a barrel horse named Crackhead aka “Crack”❤️
Crack was not having any particular problems & her owner is great about being proactive on keeping her race ready with a variety of modalities one which includes regular massage!
Thanks again Val for having me to your barn!

Just a cute photo from my session with Walter last evening! 🐎 💚
I really focused on Walter’s jaw and poll as he tends to carry a lot of tension in these areas.
🔹Tension in the jaw is transferred to the rest of the body by muscles running from the lower jaw to the sternum and from the upper jaw to the poll and neck
🔹Tension at the poll extends down the neck, and can affect the movement of shoulder and forelimbs which in turn can cause them to compensate by hollowing their back and not engaging their hind legs
Horses are masters of compensation and often shift their balance and movement patterns to alleviate pain. It’s often through massage that problem areas are detected and can be addressed. Call or text me at 380-8871 to schedule an appointment!

The pectoral muscles on a horse are key muscles that are often overlooked!
Actions of the pectorals include:
✅ stabilizes the shoulder joint
✅adducts the limb
✅draws the limb caudally
✅supports the trunk
✅attaches limb to trunk
A lot of horses don’t seem comfortable when I move to work on the pectorals including my own horse. This is however a strong indicator that they would in fact benefit from work to this area. Unaddressed tension within these muscles can affect the stance of the front limbs.
How does your horse react when you touch this area? Angry 😡 Grumpy 😠 Pleased 😀 or Indifferent 😕
See the comments for my horses reaction tonight when I first got to her pecs 😡

Good reference for these hot temperatures ☀️

This is a great article on the Equine Raindrop technique using Young Living essential oils and the benefits for your horse. This can be done as a stand alone treatment for $65 or added onto a massage for $50. 💜🐴💦
Equine Raindrop Therapy 101 | Equine Wellness Magazine Raindrop Therapy is an excellent adjunct to other treatments used to help correct the spine, minimize back pain, and strengthen the immune system.

Caption says “It’s been 6 weeks since my last massage mom and I’m getting grumpy!” 😂
I know I’m as anxious as my horse is for me to get back to doing massage. I hope to be up and about soon...will keep you posted

This is a good video about horse “chiro”.....it makes me cringe to think that there are people out there letting someone do these techniques to their horse😢.
Only a licensed veterinarian or chiropractor should be doing chiropractic adjustments on your equine friend💜 Stay safe!!
What To Avoid In An Equine Chiropractor by Mark DePaolo, DVM It is very important to watch an equine chiropractor work before letting them adjust your horse. Anyone who is not a human chiropractor or a veterinarian sho...
Hi everyone! I just wanted to post an update that I fractured my ankle a couple of weeks ago so unfortunately I am unable to do any massages for the month of April 😞

Awww 🥰

So excited to now offer the Raindrop Technique as one of my services!!
Raindrop can be done after a massage or as a stand-alone treatment. It helps strengthen immune system, remove toxins, alleviate muscle pain and reduce stress and anxiety. All Young Living oils are safe for equine use! See my services tab for more details!

This made me laugh!! Jenna Otterstetter says these exact words often to her horse❤️

Merry Christmas!!

Absolutely ❤

I use Young Living essential oils with my massage sessions as they are deemed safe for horses. Of course horses are naturally curious and I like to let them sniff my oil kit to find the one they like. Of course peppermint is always a favorite!!
Using Essentials Oils With Your Horse Have you ever heard the saying “a little dab will do you”? Well, that’s exactly the case when using essential oils. Wouldn’t you love it if your horse was more relaxed when being trailered and calm…

Happy National Horse Day to this beautiful girl!! Spending time with her is the best therapy in the world❤️

Great article about recognizing signs of pain in horses
Is Your Horse Hurting? – The Horse Veterinarians and owners can use a variety of methods to detect pain in horses.

Yes, I think so
This sweet boy “Walter”had tight muscles in his poll. His owner Ava reported he was hard to halter, clip and did NOT like his ears touched!

This horse looks like the kind of present I want under my tree!
I’ve let Guinness smell Young Living’s “Peace & Calming” before her last 2 massages and now she associates that with relaxation...notice the “lip smacking & chewing” at the end of the video. This is what horses do during massage as a sign that they are relaxing and releasing tension.

When a horse’s back is in pain, it affects all of his or her body. From performance, to possible lameness, to muscle development, and even to ulcers, back pain can cause problems everywhere. In the real world there are plenty of horses with tight muscles. “Lumpy” butt muscles, tight hip muscles, tight shoulders, tight or “stringy” neck muscles are all common. Usually these horses enjoy massage (or other bodywork) and definitely benefit from it.
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