Stephanie Mero - Curly Hair Specialist
Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Stephanie Mero - Curly Hair Specialist, Orlando, FL.
Cosmetologist & Educator Specializing in Hair Care, Hair Loss, and Natural Texture
Author of "Cracking the Curl Code: A Simple Guide to Healthy, Effortless Hair" available on Amazon
Founder &

is $40 a month less than leading hair loss supplements! Subscribe for monthly shipments and save $10 a month at (link in bio) - cancel any time!

Bringing loose curl patterns to life starts with me asking my clients where they’d like their length to be by showing me with their hands (not straight or curly inches) and then customizing their layers to suit their face and create lift.
Although the before and afters are always 😍 - I tell all my clients that their haircut will “age to perfection”. It generally takes up to 8 weeks for your curl pattern to adjust to a significant removal of weight and new styling techniques and/or products.
While I’m proud of my haircuts when I do them, the real WOW is in how they grow out. The only clients I have who get a haircut every 3 months are those who like to keep their hair short AND have loose curls. Everyone else lets their hair grow for sometimes OVER A YEAR because they love how it grows out.
This is why I have different pricing on my websites for different “rates of return”. Come in more often, pay less. A haircut that looks great for longer and doesn’t require you spending your time or money on maintenance is worth more. First appointments or appointments when a client is returning after over a year also involve a LOT of education on styling but even my clients who come every 3 months tend to pick up a little something new every time, or just like the refresher.
Book online now at and come experience the Curl Ninja difference ❤️

Flawless wavy hair with:
❤️Curly Hair Bath
❤️Curl Perfecting Leave In Conditioner
❤️Flux Potion (gel)
Find them on my product guide at
Swipe to see the before ➡️

Synthetic fragrance is harmful and dangerous to human health. Are we learning anything yet??
An Airbus A380 flying to London turned back when the powerful scent of laundry detergent made people feel sick and dizzy "It was discovered that the smell came from five pallets of fresh-scented laundry beads in the cargo hold," Canada's Transportation Safety Board said.

How my husband is recovering from alopecia for the lowest prices on my favorite hair loss solutions #hairloss #alopecia

Any time I embark on a new business venture it’s because I believe I have something to offer that can truly improve people’s lives. was born from the insatiable desire to help heal someone incredibly close to me. I have that story to share later. For now, here’s some results from a client of mine who was struggling with severe hair loss and I asked to be a tester for . ❤️ Follow for more details coming soon!

OVERSHARE incoming…idk about you but I don’t take pictures of myself when I’m not feeling good. I haven’t been putting myself out there on social media the way I used to and it’s not because I have nothing to share. I just haven’t felt like putting ME out THERE. It hasn’t felt safe because I have been so fragile. While things will probably never be like they were back in my new-video-every-day massive growth across multiple platforms days, today I felt excited just to FEEL LIKE taking some pictures of myself. Having a kid isn’t necessarily really hard for everyone, but it’s been really hard for me. I put my career which I love so much completely on the back burner for 2 years. In the meantime my frustration with the lack of protection we have from toxins increased exponentially as I realized more every day that I can’t totally protect my child. I spiraled. I thought self care meant exercising again and taking some trips with friends when I can get the grandparents for a weekend, but that wasn’t enough. I had to do some very conscious LETTING GO of the frustrations that were holding me prisoner from enjoying my LIFE. I had to get back to doing what I love even if it meant allowing my child to be in others’ care more often. I had to accept that I can’t control everything that I want to and that I also can’t be miserable every day due to the things I can’t control (or things that I will make myself mentally unstable relentlessly trying to). And I had to learn to ask for help from the other capable adults in my life who love me and/or my child, because when you act like you can take on IT ALL, people will treat you like you can and let you. I finally feel like I’m reclaiming myself. I feel like I can put my son first and myself at a very close second (a big step up from last) and find some healthy balance. I feel happy, and for me lately, that’s kind of a big deal. ❤️ (thanks for receiving me)

Going on 4 years now of using and recommending the same organic hair loss products! I’ve personally recovered from hair loss caused by toxic hair products, postpartum, medications, and stress and my clients have seen results for their causes of hair loss as well. The results speak for themselves so learn more about these products on my hair loss website www.MoreHair.Shop ❤️

🚨CLOSEOUT SALE🚨 Protect your hair overnight with NON-toxic, cruelty-FREE silk products from and get a ridiculous discount on this amazing investment until she runs out and closes the online storefront to begin exclusively selling through pros who will likely not offer these insane prices on such high quality product. Swipe to see how to enter the code to get the biggest discount possible.
I am a proud affiliate. After I learned about how toxic fabrics can be I stopped recommending any sleep protection hair products until I found Fey’s brand. I use her bonnets, her sleep mask, and her scrunchies (when my hair was longer).
Hand wash with gentle detergent and these products will last you a lifetime. Don’t miss this chance! coupon code STEPHMERO

She said “I like volume but not on top and I want to keep my length”.
Say less!
Just kidding - always say more. A super thorough consultation is always the start of your session with me. I dig to make sure I understand your past experiences, what would be your hopes for today, and what your goals are for the future.
Taking that extra time makes sure your expectations are realistic, are met during the appointment, and everyone is happy. ❤️
Swipe for the before to see this amazing transformation!
💕Curly Hair Bath
💕Curl Perfecting Leave In Conditioner
💕Curly Potion
Shop at
Save $5 at checkout with code HHT2650
Click the booking button in my bio to learn more about my services!

The concept of “self-care” is personal. Right now, for me, it looks like less time spent on my physical appearance and more to spend on literally anything more valuable to me.
About a month ago I ditched makeup (I did spend about 3 seconds grooming my eyebrows here) and I have felt so FREE! but I then started wearing my hair in a headband EVERY DAY because when I tasted what it was like to just be ready for the day without any “fixing” of myself, I found myself not having any days where I wanted to spend time on my hair either.
So after a few weeks of headbands I decided it was time to cut my hair, which is something I have known deep down is the experience of hair I truly want for myself but was always seeking a look I believed would elevate me somehow.
If you are feminine, you have been trained your entire life to believe that long hair makes you more desirable.
Short hair and I have a lot of history.
I’ve had short hair because my parents chose it.
I’ve had short hair because toxic chemicals turned my beautiful curls to mush.
And now I have short hair because I truly desire it and I deserve to do what I want without thought to the expectations of others or the harsh whispers (I’ve finally learned to silence) of my past hair traumas.

Lizangel’s last haircut (left) was in 2018, with me, a big chop to remove damaged hair.
Today she got her dream haircut (right). There were no trims during the nearly 5 year gap.
Cutting your hair does not make it grow. Although she only went this long because circumstances in our lives kept us apart, this is proof that getting long hair does not require frequent trimming.
I know it’s not a good business strategy to tell your clients not to come back until they want to change their shape or want a shorter style, but it has always been how I operate because I never want to get paid for a service that doesn’t get my client closer to their goals.
I’m so proud of this fierce, independent young woman. It’s been wonderful to be part of your life journey helping you form a beautiful relationship with your curls.
Schedule an appointment through the link in my bio
1. MyVeg Radiant Hydra-Bath (shampoo)
2. Curly Potion (gel)
(If you’re new here you’ll notice I rarely use conditioner. I just don’t believe it’s always necessary when shampoo and stylers are plenty hydrating. I always try to make my clients routines as simple as possible especially so they can find the high quality organic products I recommend less costly when they don’t need so many.)
Products 👉 (link in bio)

So 🥹 to be making curly hair dreams reality. 💕
I used OWAY Flux Potion by itself for both of these clients! The trick to using it solo is to towel dry BEFORE applying the product so it has a stronger hold!
Find this amazing curl-boosting gel through the link in my bio or at ☺️

This is simply NOT TRUE. Actively avoiding even just one class of harmful chemicals can make a HUGE impact on your health.
For example, I explained previously here how phthalates in synthetic fragrance affect hormones and fertility. Someone who is trying to conceive actively removing their plug-ins and not wearing synthetic perfume and swapping their cosmetic products and detergent for fragrance-free or natural fragrances only could be the difference between a natural conception and needing medical intervention.
That’s pretty life-altering if you ask me and that is just one example. Even if you don’t want kids, reproductive health is positively correlated with longevity and we all want to live healthy, long lives (at least if you’re in this group I would gather that assumption). (I learned this from one of the books I posted about here, Count Down by Dr. Shanna Swan)
I’ve focused on fragrance a lot because it’s one of the easiest sources of toxic chemicals to avoid. Let me know if you have any questions about this topic so far! I’ll be moving on to other sources of toxins next. 💕
This post was originally made in my new Facebook group “Clean Products Community” - I hope you’ll join us 🫶

Share your favorite slide on this post and visibly tag on your Story to be automatically entered to win a FREE 45 minute VIRTUAL HAIR COACHING SESSION with me! 😍
New handle, new branding…same curly hair OG you know. 😉
I wanted my new branding to speak to something special about me. 💕
I am completely visual in my technique to cut and highlight curls. While I’ve certainly been inspired and influenced by methods I’ve been exposed to along my 8 year professional career, it is my eye that gets every cut or color service where it needs to go. This innate ability to visualize shape makes cutting curls, ALL CURLS, feel like speaking a native language. I’ve never met a curl pattern that scared me. Bring me them all and check out to see the variety in my work. I am a stylist FOR ALL CURLKIND ❤️
I only cut dry hair in it’s natural state and I also paint highlights onto the hair this way so I can witness the impact every snip and every swipe of my brush is making along the way. No two cuts or highlight applications are ever the same because of this completely tailored technique. 💎
My haircuts and highlights require very little maintenance, holding shape and natural looking color for 6 months to a year or even longer in some cases. 👌
I do ALL curls and ONLY curls and I can’t wait to meet you and yours! Follow for haircut and color inspo and special giveaways.
Swipe to see just a few of the hundreds of curly clients I’ve serviced! 😱
Now booking in Orlando!
link in bio 💕

Hosted by my friend .com_ , I’m sharing ALL I know about toxins in the hair product industry and giving you the opportunity to ask questions and get immediate answers.
Tickets are now on sale for $25 and ❤️ALL❤️ of the proceeds will be given to the Homes for Black Women campaign by Catriceology.
Can’t make it to the live? A replay will be available. Not interested? Consider making a donation to this important cause anyway.
Funds can be sent to help a disabled Black Woman finally realize her dream of home ownership.
Once you have completed this, send a screenshot to [email protected] and they will send you the link! 💕

Hey - I fixed your post. 👍
“Humans evolved in equatorial Africa, where the sun is overhead for much of the day, year in and year out,” Nina Jablonski, professor of anthropology at Penn State, said in a news release.
“We wanted to understand how that affected the evolution of our hair,” she added.
To figure out if our hair evolved to help early humans, scientists used a thermal manikin — an electrified, temperature-controlled human model — to study how heat is transferred from the body to the atmosphere.
As expected, each of the three hair types reduced solar radiation to the scalp, but the tightly curled hair offered the best protection from the sun’s radiation and heat.
And after wetting the scalp to simulate the effects of sweating, the tightly curled hair also minimized the need to sweat to stay cool, which would help conserve water and avoid dehydration.
Model & natural curls:
Curly cut: Me

Although WATER is the only true source of moisture, cream styling products help KEEP moisture in your hair. 💦🔒➰
The products I use are all high-quality, non-toxic, and over 95% plant-based.
Here’s what I recommend from my guide to prime your styling routine to help retain moisture all day:
💕fine hair💕
Curl-Perfecting Leave-in Conditioner + Sublime Hair Milk (1:1)
(for BABY-fine hair, this ratio may need to be more like 1:3)
💕medium hair💕
Curl-Perfecting Leave-In Conditioner
💕coarse hair💕
Curl-Perfecting Leave-In Conditioner + Curl Priming Cream (1:2)
Use these combinations as a base for your other styling products to help retain moisture even in the summer!
Product links @
Save $5 on your order by entering the code HHT2650 at checkout

after 👉 before
Grateful to be guide on her first healthy, curly hair journey. ➰✂️❤️
Hair type: very fine, damaged
Needs: moisture retention
Desire: more curl, volume
⭐️Curly Hair Bath
⭐️Frequent Use Conditioner
⭐️Volumizing Root Spray
⭐️Curl-Perfecting Leave-In Conditioner
⭐️Next Day Cream
Products 👉
$5 off code HHT2650

I know firsthand that changing your products can be significantly life-changing not just for our hair and skin but also our overall health.
I am so proud to be able to offer a resource for my community to find safe alternatives to the plethora of toxic hair products and accessories on the market today due to lack of government regulation.
Thank you for trusting me. 🫶
Visit 👉 to learn more about what I use and recommend to my hair clients and why.
Keep post notifications on 🔔 to know as soon as sold-out products return.

HAIR LOSS / ANDROGENIC ALOPECIA - Testosterone, DHT, PCOS & Lifestyle Factors Recommended plant-based hair loss treatment* -

My FIRST hair product for curly hair is now available! Save $5 at checkout with the code HHT2650

Check out my ✨NEW✨ technique for HYDRATION in STYLING!
➰💦 #WAPmethod for HYDRATED CURLY HAIR ❤️ Used:- OWAY Next Day Cream- OWAY Flux PotionDi...
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